
voiceover script analysis

Script Analysis In Voiceover

Voice acting is a unique art form that requires excellent communication and performance skills, as well as careful script analysis. Script analysis is an essential part of voiceover work and involves evaluating the text of a script, breaking it down into manageable parts, and analyzing its meaning. Knowing how to properly analyze a script allows … Read more

connect to the script

Connect To The Script

“You need to better connect to the script”. I heard those words SO many times in my early days in voiceover. You see, I came from radio. And back then radio was about a) your personality, b) the sound of your voice, c) the sound of your voice, d) the sound of your voice, e) … Read more

Don't hammer the wrong words

Emphasizing THE Wrong Words

Have you ever seen copy that has words capitalized or bolded? You are supposed to hammer those words with gusto because the client/agency decided they are important. So, look at this line of copy: “How would YOU like BIG savings; PLUS save over a thousand bucks AND get a car that will make you look … Read more

half voice

The Half-Voice

If you have never heard of the voiceover term “the half-voice”, it goes by other names – active hush, quiet-voice, chest-voice, and others. In the VO world, half voice is a hushed or chest-voice that is softer but retains intent.  It is not a whisper, but it is a unique place in our voice dynamics … Read more

voiceover performance taste the words

Voiceover Performance: Taste The Words

In voiceover performance, taste the words. How does the word hot sound to you? Is it HOT! Or, is it just…meh, hot? You’ve got a script and you gloss over the copy to put punctuation in, create natural breaks, set the tone and energy of each phrase, but have you taken the time to focus … Read more

voiceover tip

Quick Voiceover Tip: It’s Not About Your Voice

Quick Voiceover Tip: It’s Not About Your Voice. I know that seems counterintuitive. We are talking about voice over. Where the only thing being presented is…well, your voice. No good looks. No fancy camera tricks. Just your voice and a microphone. Remember the old-school announcers. “We’ll be back after these commercial messages”. We haven’t heard … Read more