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It goes against our perfectionist nature. But really…good enough is perfect when auditioning.
“But Bruce you don’t understand. There are lots of talent competing for this gig. I have to get it just right”
And so it goes. Take 12
Take 19.
“I think I can redo the intro.”
“I don’t like how I read that word.”
Before you know it you have spun yourself around and around the preverbal voiceover carousel.
The key here is to understand that good enough IS perfect. Yes, you should submit your best work. Yes, it may take you a couple of reads to get it just right. But just a couple at most. Prepare ahead of time. Know your read. Trust your preparation.
Then. Just. Read. It.
Don’t overanalyze it.
I understand. I used to do it too. And I drove myself crazy.
The more to work on your craft, the more you will trust yourself.
Practice is a good thing. But driving yourself crazy over an audition is something completely different.
If you need help perfecting your voiceover craft, check out Radio Lounge’s virtual voiceover coaching services, and in-person Houston voiceover coaching services for those nearby.
Good Enough Is Perfect When Auditioning
#voiceover #VO
M. Bruce Abbott is the Creative Director/Partner at Radio Lounge. Bruce has over 30 years experience as a voice actor, casting and production director, as well as extensive advertising, marketing, and podcasting experience.